How I use MyRideTrac – I designed it for Rideshare
Hi, My name is Ken. I designed MyRideTrac specifically for Rideshare because I didn't think the other guys out there did it right. No offense to them. They do good work, but I wanted to know some very important things they don't address... so what to do? How about design and develop an app just for Rideshare drivers - MyRideTrac! So, here is how I use MyRideTrac every day. First, I start MyRideTrac and leave it running in the background. I put it in STOP mode when I am not driving or at dinner, etc... When I leave the house, I bring MyRideTrac up from the home screen and press NORIDER. If you start MyRideTrac it will default to NORIDER mode. When I get a rider alert, I accept the…